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University of Warwick Science Park Limited
The Venture Centre
Sir William Lyons Road
United Kingdom

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Market Research

We have specialist market sector expertise and use primary and secondary market research techniques to analyse market size, competitive situation, market opportunities, customer feedback, and potential target markets and customers.

Market Development

Identification of potential customer groups and development of marketing and sales processes to help you access selected target markets. We have a great track record in helping companies reach new markets.

International Marketing

Providing market analysis and market development services for foreign-owned companies wishing to access the UK market. Helping UK companies access English and German speaking markets overseas

Latest News & Information

The University of Warwick Science Park is using its experience and expertise in developing clusters to boost the industry, which hasn’t developed in the way many had predicted. Investment in electric vehicle technology has not been matched by demand for electric vehicles.

The Science Park’s Techmark team has identified several opportunities for electric vehicle systems which don’t have the development costs of current electric vehicles and should offer significant early sales.

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